Music Square Magazin (2015)
EditorialMusic Square Magazin (2015)

One main aspect of my master’s thesis was to analyse and develop strategies to cope with illegal downloading of music. So for my final project I developed a Magazine, which deals intensively with that topic and the development of music marketing itself.
In this process I laid great emphasis on the influence of actual marketing strategies and consumption behaviours. As a result in the end I created a Magazine, which tries to show all the connections and important facts of todays music market, plus adding some ideas for the future…

In order to figure out the strategies and approaches which could have a positive influence on the development of a future-orientated music market, I organised interviews with artists from many different design and music-related businesses, to reflect the business’s main drive and motivations.
It was an honour to work with Dennison Bertram, Hans Nieswandt, Matze Rossi, Alessandro Turci and Axel Wernecke – they all supported me intensively and offered convincing and surprisingly unique input!

The Magazine creates a rhythm, from very expressive passages to more clean analytical parts, which underline the vivid rhythm of music itself.
The parallel developed branding to this project can be checked out here: Music Square Branding